Star 701
Joanie Lyons & the Hitchhikers
You Lied
wr Tommy Dodson III
arr. by Dale Bobbitt
House of Sound & Contemprorary Music BMI 2:30
produced by Len & Ben Weisman
Star 701
Joanie Lyons & the Hitchhikers
The Loving King
wr Tommy Dodson III
arr. by Dale Bobbitt
House of Sound & Contemprorary Music BMI 2:40
produced by Len & Ben Weisman
Star 703
Jackie Powers and the Intruders
New River Train
Lonesome Heebie Jeebies
produced by Len & Ben Weisman
Star 706
Aries K.
Oo-Yay Iss-Kay Ee-May (LK45-835)
wr Aries K., Contemporary Music BMI
Lonely Girl (He's Not Worth It) (LK45-836)
wr Donna Di Martino and Rick Jerrald
Dee-Pam Publishing Co. ASCAP
- o - o - o -
Missing numbers are possibly by The Lackettes and Ron Holden, artists handled by the Weismans.
Label founded in 1963 by The Contemporary-Good Time Jazz (of Hollywood) headed by Les Koenig.
Source: Billboard, Nov. 9, 1963