Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pee Wee and the Prophets - Fat Woman

Pee Wee and the Prophets

Fat Woman

No one seems to remember Pee Wee and the Prophets, except Pete Dakan. who saw them entertaining the crowd at the Billy's Meadowbrook Inn.

The Raven label located in Clarksburg, W.Va. had only few releases.

Panhandle Music, publisher company, was owned by John Bava (of Cozy Records, Davis, West Virginia).



Jill Hutchinson said...

I also remember PeeWee and the Prophets who played around Clarksburg, Fairmont, and surrounding areas. I danced to them a few times, maybe even with Pete Dakan. They were a great band.

By Mark Betcher said...

That was a WILD tune! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I was a member of the group and played lead guitar on all their records. Jim Cinalli

Anonymous said...

Peewee lives in fairmont wv,i see him all most all the time

Anonymous said...

Saw peewee yesterday,he had his granddaughter with him.

Anonymous said...

I think Raven Records was owned by Clarksburg radio DJ, Lee Rhodes (I hope that's the correct name). In a WBOY-TV interview from back in the day, he announced he was forming the record company and that he chose the name "Raven Records" because it fit into the music scene since there were groups named the Animals,Beatles, etc.

Anonymous said...

Well who the heck is todd ravin? Lol

Ben Vaughn said...

Were they a white group or black group? It's hard to tell.

Ben Vaughn said...

Were they a white group or black group? It's hard to tell.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for asking. I am. Bye world. As an aside when the Raven Affair was on Al Newton,Terry Castle, Mike King, et al, were there. Been in quite a few cities since. The Raven Affair will always be on the air in the hearts of zRAVENETTES everywhere.

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