Thursday, February 24, 2011
You'll Be Sorry
Fransil Records was founded by Silvio Scerbo and Bob Scale in Philadelphia in 1959. The label issued only a handful of singles in 1959 and 1960.
Bob Scale [r.n. Orlando Sclatrito] was a member of The Esquire Boys, an outfit which contained DannyCedrone as guitarist - the one and the same whose classic solo is featured in Bill Haley's "Rock Around The Clock".
Scale played lead guitar on two early Bill Haley songs, namely "Green Tree Boogie" and "Down Deep In My Heart" for Holiday Records.
Group from Upper Darby,Pennsylvania. Clockwise from top are, Bill Newmiller,Bob Hummell, Edward "Farrell" Finn Jr. and Fred Baker.
[Picture credit :]
Sounds like something is wrong with your audio input.
Nothing wrong with audio input, but record was in bad shape...
It's not an easy 45 to find (only 500 made, how many still exist 50 years later), and it was mastered VERY low on recycled vinyl....noise city....from the very beginning even in good condition!
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