Monday, November 7, 2016

The Little Puppet

Connie Caddell

The Little Puppet

Dee Moeller, Tree Pub. Co. BMI
Cuca J-1277
Girl group sound. This would be her only recording ?  Flip side, That's When , can be heard on YT
Both sides written by Dee Moeller.

Singer/songwriter Dee Moeller has penned more than 300 songs, including "Slow Moving Outlaw" recorded by Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson.  [Her picture can be found here]



  1. I'm posting this because I haven't found any way to communicate directly with the guy who runs this site. I'm the author of 2 books on 50s-60s music from WI, so the Connie Caddell 45 on Cuca caught my eye. I spoke w/Dee Moeller in 2001 & she had no previous knowledge of this release. I've yet to find anything substantial on Caddell, but I do have a guess on a possible connection.

  2. Caddell is my sister in law and her sister Shirley also recorded with The Aristocrats

  3. My husband has the master reel to reel of Connie's recording session with Decca

  4. Does your husband know anything about Connie's connection with Cuca? I'm guessing there was a Pee Wee King involvment? Was Connie related to Shirley Caddell?
