Saturday, March 5, 2016

Jack Metnick (The Man From Mars)

(The Man From Mars)

Mars Oldsmobile 5027


Chicagoans who tuned into radio or TV in the 1950s and 1960s likely remember the inventive, offbeat car-dealership advertising pioneered by Jack "Bubble-head" Metnick.

Mr. Metnick created a rocket- fueled marketing campaign in an era in love with all things space- age. He named his Oldsmobile dealership "Mars" and billed himself as "The Man From Mars."   His commercials  — for the first Jewish owner of a General Motors Oldsmobile Division franchise —   pioneered wacky car advertising with lines such as: "Crazy Bubble-head has just landed from Mars with three antennas coming out of his head. … Mr. Metnick delighted young visitors to Mars Oldsmobile, 5027 W. Madison, by donning a space helmet in the showroom. 

Jack Metnick died in 2000, at 83.

Mars Oldsmobile Inc.
5027 W. Madison Street, Chicago

1 comment:

KL from NYC said...

I'm surprised that the Northern Soul crowd in the UK hasn't gotten hold of this one (or have they?). This one is catchier than a lot of the obscurities their DJs play.

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