Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"Peso" Dollar & the Counterfeit Bills

Label picture credit :
Al Turner
(Rockin' Country Style)

Law enforcer and entertainer, Warlick O'Dell Dollar was a country singer in his own right. He had a morning show that was live and ran for 15 minutes each morning on KIKO. He called himself Peso Dollar and his band was the Counterfeit Bills. He played around Phoenix and the Wickenburg area.

He passed away in 1998. His son, Mark, took over the Peso Dollar Band for his Father Peso. The Peso Dollar Band added Bandstand All-Stars to their name after Peso’s death to honor all of the great musicians and people who worked with him thru the last 50 plus years...... Peso Dollar Band@MySpace

Picture credit : Peso Dollar Band@MySpace



Police jobs said...

Sounds like he is such a remarkable man. You only seldom hear a law enforcer who is also a musician.

Anonymous said...

I just found the "Highway man" LP in a junkstore ...
it was in pristine condition, and signed by the man himself. Anybody know the date on this one ??.
How about who was playing steele guitar with him as well ??.

Thanks a bunch .

Mick in Mesa

Anonymous said...

Hi Mick, This is Peso's son Mark...I am pretty sure that was Ivan Greathouse on Steel Guitar...It was recorded in the 70's Produced by Billy Williams, Most of the players were from the Rogues..the old band from Mr. Lucky's

Unknown said...

Hello Mark, My Grandmother was a waitress in the Midway Cafe in AZ. My grandmother was pregnant with my mom and my grandfather was stationed out there. Peso could tell that my grandmother was out of her element and was a gracious man. They became friends. My mother was born in Wickenburg. My grandparents moved back to Indiana when my mom was 6 months old but your father continued to keep in touch. He recorded his song Way Down Wickenburg Way and sent it to my mom and every year on jet birthday he would send her a birthday card with a silver dollar in it until my mom reached 10 years old. She still has a photo he had sent her. My grandmother recently passed and my mom was going through her belongings and she found this stuff. It brought back fond memories. I do have a question my mom couldn't remember but grandma used to call your father a specific type of law man. Can you remind her of what that was? Thank you.

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